We just walk a bit though the city, looking for a place to get breakfast / brunch – our Amsterdam tickets offered free coffee at some places and we finally decided to eat at La Place. This La Place is awesome! They had all kinds of fresh food made right in front of your eyes, and we couldn’t decide what to get.. Finally, we got the salad, which was definitely the healthiest meal that we had in Amsterdam! afterwards we wanted to see the Tattoo Museum (near Artis, the zoo), and we found it but it was closed and there wasn’t any sign. A bit disappointed we left to Nemo, a science museum.
This museum is awesome! You can try everything and find out why things work in a certain way yourself. Definitely worth a visit!
We headed home, emptied our bags and went to buy alcohol. Afterwards we wanted to have a nice dinner before going to the concert but because we were a bit lazy we didn’t manage to have enough time for it. So we only got a frikandel speciaal (take-away) and went to the concert.
- We
- Our healthiest meal
Our healthiest meal
- Don't know who it is, but still funny
Don't know who it is, but still funny
- Look closely!!
Look closely!!
- I. Am. Thor.
I. Am. Thor.
- I. Am. Thor.
I. Am. Thor.
- Note
- Tourist stuff
Tourist stuff
- Tourist stuff
Tourist stuff
- Right.....
- Right.....