I signed up for a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia. A bus came and picked us up in the evening and through the night we drove south to Helsinki. This morning, we arrived in the morning at the terminal where our ferry to St. Petersburg would leave in the evening.
We had a free day to spend in Helsinki. Together with Paul, Melody, Camille and Christian I went to have a nice breakfast. Afterwards we walked through town, looked in some shops and ended up in Kiasma, the art museum. While Melody and Camille were not so interested, Paul, Christian and me went through it. Many exhibitions dealed with Africa and poverty. Some were too extreme and too depressing, while others were very nice and inspiring.
After that, we had lunch at the university and visited Helsinki Cathedral. We also wanted to visit Uspenski Cathedral but it closed the minute we arrived. So we walked back to the terminal and checked in at the ferry. The duty free shop was cheap (especially compared to Finland), so I bought some sparkling wine, we drank a bit a fell asleep.
- Entry papers for Russia
Entry papers for Russia
- Booking trips
Booking trips
- Money, money, money
Money, money, money
- Our ferry
Our ferry
- Elisabetta
- Zebra car
Zebra car
- Breakfast
- Breakfast
- Inspiration
- Inspiration
- Donuts
- Snowboard
- Advent calendar
Advent calendar
- Kiasma
- Shitty weather
Shitty weather
- Kiasma
- Reindeer skin, Kiasma
Reindeer skin, Kiasma
- Awesome photoshopping, Kiasma
Awesome photoshopping, Kiasma
- Inspiration, Kiasma
Inspiration, Kiasma
- Kiasma
- Kiasma
- Kiasma
- Awesome santa clauses, Kiasma
Awesome santa clauses, Kiasma
- Awesome mustache, Kiasma
Awesome mustache, Kiasma
- Kiasma
- Kiasma
- Huge elevator
Huge elevator
- I like turtles
I like turtles
- Mirrored
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral
- Mirrored
- Architecture
- Uspenski Cathedral
Uspenski Cathedral
- Romance
- Our ferry
Our ferry
- Joke of the day
Joke of the day
- Casino at the ferry
Casino at the ferry
- Sparkling wine
Sparkling wine